438-334-8277 | clinique.accessexologie@gmail.com
Montréal: 6830 avenue du Parc, bureaux 510-517
Longueuil: 337 St-Laurent Ouest
Access Program
On top of our regular services, we decided to create the Access Program in order to work according to what we value: easier access to sexology services, social commitment and quality services.
The Access Program intends to fulfill some needs observed in different fields, namely, the difficulty to access affordable services within a reasonable delay. Some individuals or couples presenting difficult situations (financial difficulties, losing jobs, mental health issues, life transition, recent immigration, etc.) cannot access sex therapy for various reasons. Therefore, the Access Program offers sex therapy services at lower cost for people in need.
Once a request for the Access Program is received, the form is evaluated by the team to determine if the person is admissible to the program. Please note that the services of the program do not include legal assessment.
For other ressources offering sliding scale services, click here.
For more informations about our Program or services, feel free to contact us.
Form (in French only):